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Type of people that cause Stress to others & Stress factors

by 잉크웰 2023. 2. 27.


Controlling Individuals


Controlling individuals are those who try to manipulate or micromanage our lives. They may be a boss who is always telling you what to do, a friend who is always trying to tell you how to live your life, or a family member who wants to control every aspect of your life. This type of behavior can be incredibly stressful and can make us feel trapped and powerless. To manage stress from controlling individuals, it's important to set healthy boundaries, communicate clearly and assertively, and practice self-care and mindfulness to help you stay grounded and focused.

Negative People


Negative people are those who bring us down with their constant negativity. They may be friends who complain all the time, family members who are always criticizing, or coworkers who always find the negative in every situation. This type of stress can be draining and can impact our mental health. To manage stress from negative people, it's important to practice self-care, mindfulness, and positive thinking, and to limit our exposure to negative individuals. You can also try to find support from positive people who can help you to maintain a more positive outlook.


Inconsiderate People


Inconsiderate people are those who ignore our feelings and boundaries. They may be friends who constantly interrupt, family members who ignore our boundaries, or coworkers who don't respect our time and space. This type of stress can make us feel disrespected and can impact our mental health. To manage stress from inconsiderate individuals, it's important to set healthy boundaries, communicate assertively, and practice self-care and mindfulness to help you maintain a positive outlook.

Criticism-Focused Individuals


Criticism-focused individuals are those who are never satisfied and always criticize our choices. They may be a boss who is never happy with our work, a friend who is always pointing out our flaws, or a family member who is always critical of our decisions. This type of stress can be damaging to our self-esteem and can impact our mental health. To manage stress from criticism-focused individuals, it's important to focus on our strengths, practice positive self-talk, and seek support from positive people who can help us maintain a more positive outlook.


By understanding the source of stress from others, you can start to develop effective strategies for managing it and protecting your mental health.


Factors that possibly could cause stress to you


Negative criticism or feedback: Receiving negative comments from others can be stressful, especially if it feels like it is unwarranted or unfair.


Unclear expectations: When the expectations of others are not clear or are constantly changing, it can be stressful and difficult to know how to meet those expectations.


Unhealthy relationships: Being in a toxic or abusive relationship can be a significant source of stress and can have a negative impact on one's mental health.


Workplace conflicts: Conflicts with coworkers or supervisors can be stressful, especially if they are not resolved effectively.

Financial stress: Money can be a significant source of stress, especially if one is struggling to make ends meet or is burdened by debt.


Social pressure: The pressure to conform to social norms and meet the expectations of others can be stressful and lead to feelings of anxiety or depression.


Health concerns: Caring for a loved one with a chronic illness or dealing with one's own health issues can be stressful and overwhelming.



Crowded or noisy environments: Being in a noisy or crowded environment can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of anxiety or stress.


Competition: The pressure to compete with others, whether it be in school, work, or in personal relationships, can lead to stress and feelings of inadequacy.

Conflict with authority: Conflicts with those in positions of authority, such as teachers, bosses, or law enforcement, can be stressful and can lead to feelings of powerlessness.


Technology overload: The constant barrage of notifications and messages from technology can be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.


Unhealthy dynamics in social groups: Being in a social group with toxic or unhealthy dynamics can lead to stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation.


Lack of privacy: The feeling of constantly being watched or monitored, either by others or through technology, can be stressful and contribute to feelings of anxiety.


Being constantly judged: The pressure to constantly conform to societal norms and the fear of being judged by others can lead to feelings of stress and low self-esteem.


Intrusive people: Having people in your life who are overly demanding, intrusive, or who invade your personal space can be stressful and contribute to feelings of anxiety or overwhelm.